G100 – UK, London Meetings, 29 March -1 April 2022 


The G100 global meetings took place in London with a beautiful international Women’s day event hosted by Lord Rami Ranger for the global G100 group at the House of Lords. With 100 participants from across the G100 network, including Global Chairs, Denim Club Partners and Country Chairs from 20 sectors such as Anti-Domestic Abuse led by Krishna Pujara, CEO Enfield Saheli.

Along with leaders and influencers from the UK, the gala gathering at the historic Cholmondeley Room and Terrace, the leaders launched the ambitious 100 commitments for a gender equal future and a better world for all. These will be given on the G100 website as guiding principles. 

Aesthetics, history, power and possibility converged in this august house of the UK Parliament, and as one gentleman from the UK remarked, the first time ever that he had ever seen, the House of Lords hosting a female majority event – never before had he seen that. Just the mention of that great symbolic leap forward sent the gathering in spontaneous applause. It uplifted our energies to feel the power of possibility and believe that every step counts in this journey, which with every passing milestone feels more and more like a pilgrimage, where we have all undertaken to commit ourselves wholly and soulfully to the change we seek.