Bodil Valero

Bodil Valero 

Bodil Valero is a former Member, Swedish Parliament 2006 until 2014, and European Parliament from 2014 until 2019. She is a member of the Swedish Green Party, part of the European Green Party and since 2023 Co-convenor of the Global Greens. In the Swedish Parliament as well as later on in the EU Parliament she was responsible for migration and foreign affairs, global justice issues such as climate, peace, aid, trade, arms exports and more. In EU she served as the green coordinator in the Security and Defence Committee. She is committed to finding open, decent and humane policies as solutions to issues of economic migration including refugees, human rights and especially rights of minorities.

She aspires to reduce the risks of conflict, fight against poverty, and encourage fair trade and climate justice. Part of her past lies in Catalonia, where she started one of the very first ecological, organic crop farms high up in the mountains.

Bodil normally divides her time between Sweden and Catalonia where she also runs a sustainable hotel and is involved in an environmental organization with her husband. She graduated in Romance languages and Law from Uppsala University, and also taught drama and theatre. She is engaged in the parliamentary organisation AEPI (AFRICAN-EUROPEAN PARLIAMENTARIANS INITIATIVE) where she is Co-founder and board member.