After Netherlands, the next meetings were in Brussels. As the base of Council of the European Union, Brussels has a great role to play in influencing change for the better. Across our meetings, we emphasised the need for equal engagement of women in all aspects of decision making especially at the top echelons where women are often underrepresented and continue to face various kinds of barriers.
In meetings at the EC, EP and UN Women, the issues of migration, sexual harassment, abuse and discrimination were raised and how these could be addressed by proactive policies and affirmative action toward not just women, but including everyone at the margins, including persons with disabilities, LGBTQI, Roma and minority communities in Europe.
The Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) we met extended their utmost support in enabling further G100 meetings in others countries viz. Italy and France.
With 27 countries in the EU, the interactions with EP/EC will continue in order to build a European consensus and collective consciousness with active civic engagement around the urgency of addressing issues of gender discrimination and barriers that keep women in the minority of power.
A great joy was the G100 Global Chairs Luncheon. Most of the G100 Global Chairs at the lunch were meeting one another for the first time, so there was much excitement in the air. The vibe of sisterhood and solidarity was robust and strong.
With loving commitment and voluntary principles of contribution and co-creation, we thrived in inspiration and exchange and grew in our bold belief that together we have the chance and role of a lifetime to bring the change we wish to see – realising gender equality in this decade.
Meeting women leaders and networks at the Meet & Greet was a wonderful opportunity to experience and embrace the beautiful diversity of Brussels which as the seat of the EU exemplifies the strength and promise of Europe – the rich tapestry of unique and diverse strands of history, culture and civilisation that can solidly present a multicultural model of inclusion, innovation, creativity and resilience for all.
Convenor & Navigator: We are most grateful to Madi Sharma, G100 Global Chair – Communication & Advocacy, for her great contribution to facilitating the meetings and building a robust agenda. With her tremendous goodwill with leaders and policymakers in Brussels, and being based in the region, she continues to represent the collective cause of G100 to European Policymakers, Commissioners & MEPs.
Participating Delegates
1. Dr. Harbeen Arora
Founder & President
2. Suman Gahlawat
Secretary General
3. Madi Sharma
Global Chair – Communication & Advocacy
4. Rafaela Rica
Global Chair – Digital Media
5. Bodil Valero
Global Chair – Security & Defence
6. H.E. Segolene Royal
Global Chair – Renewable & Solar Energy
7. Dorota (Dori) Zimnoch
Global Chair – Innovation & Technology
8. Karen Duys
Global Chair – Education
9. Maria Renee Centellas Guevara
Global Chair – Biosciences
10. Dr. Sanja Popović Pantic
Global Chair – Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises
11. Marianne Andersen
Global Chair – Robotics & Automation
12. Sharon Cittone
Global Chair – Food Innovation
13. Annabella Nassetti
Global Chair – Design & Lifestyle
14. Anja Carron
Global Chair – Circular Economy
15. Chantal Yelu Mulop
Global Chair – Human Rights
16. Baiba Rubesa
Global Chair – Diversity on Boards
17. Dr. Gordana Nikolic
Global Chair – Higher Education
18. Catarina Fonseca
Global Chair – Water, Sanitation & Hygiene
9th Nov
4pm: UN Women meeting
With Dagmar Schumacher
Director, Brussels Office, UN Women
5:30pm MEP Meeting
With MEP Gianna Gancia (Italy)
10 Nov
11am to 3pm: G100 Global Chairs meetings
with Anja Carron
Global Chair – Circular Economy
Dr. Gordana Nikolic
Global Chair – Higher Education
Bodil Valero
Global Chair – Security & Defence
4:15pm EU Commissioner meeting
With H.E. Helena Dalli,
EU Commissoner for Equality
5pm G100 Global Chairs meeting
with H.E. Segolene Royal
G100 Global Chair – Renewable & Solar Energy
6pm MEP meeting
With MEP Julie Lechanteux (France)
7pm Reception meeting
with MEP Thierry Mariani, MEP Jean-Lin Lacapelle, MEP Virginie Joron, (France)
11 Nov
12 noon to 3pm : G100 Global Chairs Luncheon Meeting
With Global Chairs, Founder & SG.
4pm – 7:30pm: Meet & Greet
With Women Leaders & Networks
Venue: Renaissance Brussels hotel, Rue due Parnasse 19
12 Nov
10am: Wrap up meetings
among Global Chairs along with
With Dr. Sanja Popović Pantic, Global Chair – MSMEs
“The G100 network is a beautiful weave in progress: translating the warp and weft of intention and action into strength, solidarity, change and transformation. The diversity and creativity of the various threads from across the world and different cultures contribute to empowering tugs and pulls – creating strength in the bond, richness in the design, innovation in the blend, and resilience in the fabric of solidarity. Once things are woven together, their beginning, journey and culmination is One. Unlike shores of rivers or pillars of a building, woven threads are not separated in their journey but rather walk and work together, creating a destiny together. I perceive sisterhood like a beautiful tapestry woven by inner desire and quest to go through the unknown, holding hands at all times, toward a common goal. In this real journey of the warp and the weft of exchange and co-creation exists the power of the woven structure. That power is us.” Suman Gahlawat
“I have just witnessed an incredibly inspiring event that was faultlessly organised by Harbeen and her organisers, Madi and Suman. The G100 Mission Million Brussels event where 20 plus Global Chairs met for the first time. The soul energy was physical and it brought together the Power, that a group of twenty like minded passionate, determined and ambitious women, have from deep inside – having lived extraordinary life experiences and careers – this will certainly make this project successful and exciting. Entrepreneurs, politicians, professionals and self-taught – top of their career ladies in every field you can think of – addressing all issues that have been and still are obstacles for all women who all they want is to be given an opportunity to live and enjoy life. Our sacrosanct right. I chair the DESIGN & LIFESTYLE WING and in less then 24 hours of being in Brussels, I have been invited at the EU Parliament where i had the opportunity to share the principles and ideas of my project with Honourable Gianna Gancia who has very carefully listened and shared my principles – she pushed me to take matters further because she will support me and will do whatever it takes to help the ideas emerge. I ask all women to join this incredibly exciting movement because we all the support we can to get this job done.” – Annabella Nassetti
“The European Union is founded on principles of Equality, Democracy and Rights – whilst policies are in place to promote Gender Equality in the Union, implementation remains a challenge. The G100 network extended it’s hands of collaboration to support and promote SDG5 in both EU internal and foreign policy at all levels, horizontally and vertically.” – Madi Sharma
“I was so very happy to get to know most of the Global Chairs in person and I believe we are going to go a long way, not only us but 1/10/100 million other women… and thank you so much to Dr. Harbeen Arora for all the hard work, the energy, encouragement, strength to put this mechanism together and in motion and thank you to Madi Sharma for being the power engine of it. Thank you all for letting the world know what a group of determined women can do!” – Rafaela Rica