G100 ELLEGOSSSE: 100 Recommendations

Launched at the Annual Women Economic Forum (WEF) 2022 – G100 Meetings in New Delhi, India, 27-31 December 2022 

Addressing the G100 theme: Bridge the Gap: Agenda for G20

and G20 theme in India Presidency: One Earth, One Family, One Future 


100 Recommendations 

Universal Principles & Practices 

For Gender Equality & Empowerment 

Toward Peace, Parity and Prosperity of ALL

We are pleased to present 100 recommendations for all leaders worldwide, based on the G100 ELLEGOSSSE framework, evolved with our 30 global meetings and consultations in 29 countries, along with our wings’ activities. 

From September 2021 - December 2022, G100 missions and consultations connected with leaders and legislators, individuals and institutions, educationists and entrepreneurs, planners and parliamentarians, UN and multilateral fora across: Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, USA, UAE, UK, Spain, Romania, Malta, Portugal, Sweden, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Kosova, Albania, Ivy Leagues & Universities (East Coast, USA), Turkey, France, Bangladesh, Egypt and India. Summary of meetings here: https://www.g100.in/g100-meetings/

We will continue our consultations toward achieving our milestone of 100 global meetings in 100 countries in the next couple of years. We will present the updated version every year till then.

10 themes emerged as key pillars and universal principles for gender equality and empowerment worldwide - and by that levers of peace, prosperity and progress for all. These 10 principles further have 10 recommendations each, thus 100 recommendations - comprehensively consolidating the areas of action for cohesive and concerted actions.

An acronym ELLEGOSSSE encapsulates these 10 common themes viz: 

1. Education

2. Legislation

3. Leadership

4. Empowerment

5. Governance

6. Ownership

7. Security

8. Sustainability

9. Solidarity

10. Equality

On a creative note, in French 

ELLE refers to woman, and GOSSSE (or GOSSES) to children - indeed our inclusive future is in the hands and hearts of women and children of our one world. And therein also lies the greatest gap that we seek to address through this framework and its recommendations that are universally relevant and applicable.

We present here the ELLEGOSSSE - 100 recommendations from the G100 to G20, as also to governments worldwide, including inter-governmental entities and multilateral fora such as across the UN, EU, AU, G7, ASEAN, SAARC, QUAD, as also Universities, Foundations, Corporates, Institutions, Think Tanks, Civil Society, Networks, NGO, International Organisations, et al. 

Our 100 recommendations in the ELLEGOSSSE framework are more like a bouquet of 100 recommendations - in effect are thousands of ideas therein. They are packed in there for ready reference so we can all unpack them through our endeavours in our parts of the world and in our spheres of influence. 

G100 - ELLEGOSSSE offers a program and platform for comprehensive and coordinated collective action. Through the 100 G100 wings, led by the 100 Global Chairs, with over 100 Country Clubs led Country Chairs in each wing in every country, further supported by the G100 Denim Club of He for She Champions, in solidarity with all stakeholders, nationally and internationally, 100 projects will emerge from this bouquet of 100 recommendations, pushing the change and pulling partners into the process. 

The ELLEGOSSSE framework is also an addition and extension to some of the earlier important documents and declarations for gender equality – notably, the Beijing Platform of Action, Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), and the 17 UN SDGs, in particular SDG 5. In solidarity and continuity with all the changemakers and champions who preceded us, we reiterate- human rights are women’s rights and women’s rights are human rights.

We also believe that if we can address SDG 5 of Gender Equality with urgent, accelerated and concerted actions (just as we are doing for Climate), then we can keep our date with the delivery of the UN SDG goals. It is important to view Gender Equality not just as a women’s issue but rather one that concerns us all as societies and economies. Like in the case of the pandemic, or climate change, or terrorism, we need to view gender inequality as well as a global challenge - a challenge to human civilisation, sustainability, and survival. It needs be addressed by ALL. 

We can all make this Decade of Action count. This is our Document of the Decade. 

The G100 family, network and wings will develop ELLEGOSSSE projects with partners as also our sister platforms such us ALL, WICCI, WEF, SHEconomy,

to adopt these recommendations in respective spheres of influence, as also help mobilise support and coordinate efforts from all quarters including government, multinationals, schools, universities, foundations, civil society, entrepreneurs, leaders, as well as civil society and professional groups. 

100 Wings driving 100 Projects and hundreds of initiatives by an inspired and organised global community will be our multiplier for the ripple effect of change. We believe that when the force of our solutions exceeds the force of our problems, the mountain of change will move - the shift will occur. 

The G100 club brings critical mass, creative momentum, courageous action, caring community, cultural sensibility and conscious vision of change. We progress passionately with positive principles upon the peaceful path of possibilities with acceleration and allyship, especially of men through our Denim Club of He-for-She champions, and indeed of the greater global sisterhood of She-for-She support that has been our abiding strength. 

Who are these recommendations addressed to ? These are addressed of course to our leaders nationally and internationally including in Politics, Government, Corporates, Education, Industry, Media and others who are in positions of power and privilege to act, but these are as much addressed to Everyone. All stakeholders in economy and society, in all walks of life, and especially the G100 community, are urged to act upon these suggestions and build on them. In our individual and collective capacities, we can all move the needle forward as architects of the future. 

ELLEGOSSSE is a People’s document, from a global community for a global community. It is inclusive of cultures and continents. It helps us speak in shared language and act in common purpose. It does not fight the old, rather it fosters the new with the eternal liberal values of freedom and fairness. It urges and inspires all to collaborate and co-create the change we seek. Together we are stronger and better at expanding opportunities, empowering innovation, and exponentially empowering the diversity dividend. By reclaiming our powers of positivity, passion, position, privilege, purpose, projects or polity, we can all participate in paving the way for infinite possibilities to emerge, out-creating the status quo. 

The ELLEGOSSSE mnemonic is also easy to recall, personalise and act upon by everyone everywhere. Instead of being a one-size-fits-all, ELLEGOSSSE is a multimodal, cross-sectional, plural, non-partisan, and non-sectarian flexible framework for every society to develop its strengths and address its shortcomings in a way that is connected to its culture and community. Diverse and comprehensive, it also helps us see the seamless interconnectedness of an array of issues confronting us today. The framework offers creativity and customisation, and gives us all the tools to write our own script along with the support of a conscious community worldwide, to make the shift that we want to.

ELLEGOSSSE is inviting everyone to act for equality and empowerment. With it’s interconnected and inclusive agenda across sectors, it is also invigorating a whole new set of actors and leaders who may not have otherwise been part of efforts for gender equality. It’s a document that welcomes all, works with all, and wins for all. 

We do not need to wait 100 years for Gender Equality. We can step up in solidarity NOW to achieve it in this decade of change, aligned with the delivery of UN SDGs. By accelerating actions for gender equality and harmony, we can usher greater innovation in other walks of life as well. For when women thrive, humanity thrives. With integration of women, who are powerful agents of change and inclusion, everyone is enabled.

Everyone can be the Actor, Advocate and Accelerator of this Change.

Each of us can adopt or embed any or All of the ELLEGOSSSE recommendations in homes, workplaces, communities, companies, organisations, institutions, schools, universities, corporates, chambers, networks, governments, NGOs, international organisations, inter-governmental and multi-lateral platforms, political parties, projects, et al. 

By the ELLEGOSSSE suggestions we can address various kinds of gaps, not only between women and men, but among all - at all intersections of oppression and discrimination, and at all vertices of innovation and opportunities, ensuring peaceful and progressive societies globally.

While there are 10 principles and 100 recommendations, and with multiple asks for action, in effect they all belong to the One Idea and One Inspiration of choosing the change. It is important to feel this interdisciplinary and integrated awareness of each part being connected to the bigger picture in seamless oneness and circularity. Some suggestions may also seem overlapping across sections, precisely because they are in continuity and complementarity, as we all are. 

Also, wherever we mention women or men in the document, specified or not, we are always referring to women, men and all, in all our rich diversity. 

The suggestions are not set in stone. We remain receptive and reflective toward the learnings emerging from the discussions, actions and projects, so that we can continue to elaborate and evolve the same. That’s the integrity, agility and flexibility of our network and framework. Our 100 wings in 100 different sectors, in over 100 countries, organised vertically and horizontally, along with our sister platforms, provide us the communities and capacities to do so. Our 100 Commitments keep us united and energised in purpose.

Together as we approach issues from all intersections and from all parts of the world, we can sustainably bridge the glaring gaps across genders such as: Safety Gap, Health Gap, Nutrition Gap, Dream Gap, Skills Gap, Education Gap, Confidence Gap, Economic Gap, Entrepreneurship Gap, Banking Gap, Leadership Gap, Representation Gap, Recognition Gap, Respect Gap, Visibility Gap, Role Models Gap, Networking Gap, Power Gap, Support Gap, Ownership Gap, Voice Gap, Digital Gap, among others. 

In due course, the ELLEGOSSSE global index of gender equality can also be developed, to present progress and generate measurable results across indicators. 

Meanwhile, we can all act to bridge the gaps and drive the momentum toward this change. With inclusive design, intentional policies, energetic engagement and determination to deliver, we can ignite and inspire the change. Important is to start something, stay with it, and see it through.

G100 - ELLEGOSSSE: 100 Recommendations 


Education is the force of Evolution. Without it, we do not have access to even our own potential. With it, we can all rise to our highest possibilities. Education is not just about skills and subjects; it is equally about vision, values, work and wisdom. Education of the body, mind, hands and heart, with self-awareness, self-management, growth of character, dedication to society, ethics and environment, with a lifelong learning spirit makes us all powerful agents of change. Educating girls and women is integral to amplifying this change across families, nations and societies. Abiding review and reform of educational systems and subjects, in view of local and global realities and relevance, addressing emergent needs of societies and economies, is necessary for lasting change and evolving the future of work. 

1.1 To Enshrine in the Rights of Children and Citizens, Universal Access to Accessible and Affordable Early, Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Education: bringing education to everyone, especially with more teachers, technologies and innovative ways ensuring last mile access, with more personalised, self-paced, immersive, hybrid and blended learning systems 

1.2 To Mandate and Provide Comprehensive and Scientific Sexuality Education, as also Essential Civic, Environmental, Legal and Health Education for Caretaking of Self, City, Community, Culture, Nature and Sustainability, with Responsible Consumption, and Awareness of our Rights and Responsibilities

1.3 To Foster Frameworks of Rights and Redressals ensuring No Violence, No Bullying, No Child Abuse, No Harassment, No Discrimination, No Child Labour, along with Educational and Awareness Programs for Preventing Young Girls from Adolescent Motherhood, Trafficking and Slavery 

1.4 To Deliver to Students Practical & Vocational Skills, developing Professional & Para Professional Workforce, especially with Digital and Media Technologies, and STEAM viz. Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics, as also promoting Entrepreneurial Education, Financial Literacy and Leadership Development for Enhancing the Pool of Creators of Jobs and Opportunities, along with supporting easier Labour Mobility addressing Workforce Gaps and enhancing Employment Opportunities 

1.5 To Promote Gender Sensitisation and Education of Male Students on Gender Equality, empowering Empathy & Equality, beyond Gender Roles & Identities, with Diversity of Learners Collaborating in Purposeful Projects and Problem-Solving, nurturing Co-Creation, Community, Care, Curiosity, Compassion, Critical Thinking and Creative Cognition 

1.6 To Encourage Holistic and Interdisciplinary Education nurturing Right-Left Brain Coordination, Neurodiversity, Entrepreneurial and Leadership Mindset, with Fluidity and Flexibility such as between Classroom and Community, Culture and Creativity, Arts and Analytics, Science and Sports, Math and Music, Languages and Leadership, Tradition and Technology, Industry and Innovation, Media and Masses, Talent and Teamwork

1.7 To Create Content and Supportive Resources for Positive Parenting, School Curricula and Social Communication empowering Awareness in all respects, especially regards Body Boundaries, Bodily Autonomy, Consent and Respect, and Healthy Habits for Self-Management and Positive Interpersonal Interactions 

1.8 To Affirm Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Policies in Admissions, and encourage Industry and Alumni to Support Scholarships

1.9 To Build Outreach, Ecosystems and Platforms for Upskilling, Mentoring and Career Counselling, enabling Learning from Teachers, Leaders and Role Models, as part of Student Experience, Lifelong Learning and Adult Education

1.10 To Increase National Budgets for Education, and Incentivise Industry and Institutions to Invest in R&D, Rural Education Infrastructure, as also Promote Training and Development of Teachers and notably Principals, Enhance Scholarships and Internships especially for Women and Girls


Legislation embeds in constitutional, institutional and legal mechanisms the important and evolving values of a society, making it incumbent on law-makers and leaders to institutionalise and implement policies in support, and confer the right on constituents to righteously enforce. By raising responsibility, education and awareness in one and all, we can work together to ensure fairer societies that enable full expression of humanity and enjoyment of human rights of all. Legislative mechanisms must especially support those being left behind, viz. women, children, elderly, disabled, tribes, indigenous people, widows, divorced, single mothers, and other weaker sections of society and marginalised groups. As engaged citizens, it is equally our responsibility to be vigilant and vocal regards effective implementation and application of the law, and be informed of procedures and powers of respective stakeholders, empowering accountability of law makers and law keepers. 

2.1 To Mandate Universal Suffrage and Sovereign Guarantee for Safety of All, regardless of Identity, be it of Gender, Age, Ability, Ethnicity, Religion, Sexual Orientation, Migration status, with Advocacy for Repeal of Discriminatory Laws and Replacing them with Progressive Ones 

2.2 To Equalise Responsibility among Parents, Family, Workplace and State regards Domestic Duties, Civic Duties, Unpaid Labour, Childcare and Eldercare, and Provide Economic and Social Support for Caregivers 

2.3 To Ensure that States Provide Pro Bono Legal Services for the Underserved, Incentivise Legal Community to Support, and Enable Fast Track Courts, especially for Women, Children and Heinous Crimes, and offer along with Para Legal and Arbitration Mechanisms for Conflict Resolution and Mediation with a Multi-Stakeholders approach

2.4 To Enshrine Gender Equality in Inheritance, Land & Title Ownership, Property and Assets, with Affirmative Actions for Equal Access to Education and Health, along with Economic and Leadership Opportunity in all walks of life, especially in Corporate Boards and Positions of Power for Economic and Political Decision-Making, including through Gender Balancing Measures such as Equitable Quotas Regulations 

2.5 To Promote Equality Policies in Representation and Remuneration in Public and Private sectors: addressing gender pay gap, banking gap, and unequal allocation of finance, funding, loans, grants, projects, tenders and contracts 

2.6 To Endorse and Ensure Effective Implementation of International Treaties and Campaigns for Elimination of Gender Based Violence and Discrimination, Domestic and Intimate Partner Violence, Human and Drugs Trafficking, Sexual Harassment, Female Genital Cutting/Mutilation, Child Marriage, Forced Marriage or Slavery by Abduction and Kidnapping, Terrorism, Religious Bigotry and Forced Conversions, Racism, Rape, Acid Attacks, ‘Honor Killings,’ Cyber Crime, Sexual Violence especially in Conflict, Pornography, Human Rights Abuse, Environmental Abuse, Substance Abuse, Torture of Prisoners, along with Welfare, Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Survivors

2.7 To Drive Actions for Accountability across Political, Public and Private Sectors for Policies and Actions on Gender Equality, Work-Place Safety, Anti-Sexual Harassment, Pay and Promotion Gaps 

2.8 To Advocate for Legal Frameworks and Accountability Mechanisms for Anti-Corruption, Pro-Transparency, Public Follow Up for Honesty and Uprightness in Politics, Bureaucracy, Public Services and Law Enforcement, toward Open Engagement, Non-Discriminatory and Participatory Governance with Citizens and Civil Society, with Punitive Measures for Misconduct and Errancy of Law Enforcement Officials 

2.9 To Create Awareness on “Nothing About Us Without Us” Principle for Consultative Processes in Policymaking and Decision Making, along with Open Government Principles of Stakeholders Participation: using tools such as e-government to connect and co-create with citizens and constituents

2.10 To Ensure Legislations for Digital Rights, Internet Access for Equal Accessibility, Protection of Privacy and Data, and Cyber Safety and Security especially addressing Cyber Crime such as Cyber Stalking and Cyber Sexual Violence, Intimidation, Extortion and Blackmail 


Leadership is a source of energy, revitaliser of systems and north star of society that can help us all evolve with enlightened thinking and energetic actions. Realisation of our responsibility as catalysts of change is vital to the manifestation of the leadership qualities and abilities innate in one and all. As each actualises one’s abilities, dreams and aspirations, overcoming self-limiting beliefs and fears, with positive thinking and mindset mastery, and going beyond gender roles and stereotypes, we can all optimise our individual potential and collective possibilities. At the same time, as much as leadership is about self-development, it is equally about addressing systemic disparities and discrimination as well as mindset barriers, biases and behaviours, which need to be tackled collaboratively by governments, institutions, companies, communities and families, with commitment and wisdom of all therein, especially the leaders. 

3.1 To Exemplify Leadership with Personal Example and Role Modelling, with Empathy, Equality, Effectiveness, Trust, Truthfulness, Teamwork, Networking, Volunteering, Helpfulness, Diplomacy, Negotiation, Responsiveness, Reliability and Risk-Taking, in Purpose, Goals and Ideals: empowering intelligence, intuition and innovation for Doing the Right Thing and Doing Things Right 

3.2 To Ask our Leaders Everywhere to Enact Policies and Practices that ensure Human Security, Advance Equalisation of Opportunities, nurture more Leaders and Female Leaders, empower Women and Girls with a range of resources, ensure Women in Governance and Decision-Making at all levels, especially in Higher Echelons and Public Life 

3.3 To Create Awareness and Actions on Addressing Issues of Blatant Malpractice such as Sexual Harassment at Workplace, Pay and Promotions Gaps, as well as subtle Biases such as Mansplaining, Discounting and Diminishing the Female Voice and Leadership Qualities, which emerges mostly from a Limited Understanding of Leadership from Masculine Mental Models and Cultures of Male-Dominated Leadership 

3.4 To Build Self-Confidence among Women and Girls, promoting Self-Belief, overcoming Fear of Failure, fostering Essential Life Skills and Leadership as well as Technical and Organisational Skills of Time, People, and Project Management, with Digital and Financial Literacy, along with Branding and Marketing for Building Businesses, while including Men in the Change

3.5 To Invest in Oneself and Practice Lifelong Learning for Developing Critical and Creative Skills with Growth Mindset and Mindset Mastery

3.6 To Hold Accountable our Leaders Toward ‘Walking’ the Talk in Integrity, as also ‘Working’ the Talk with Pioneering, Perseverance and Performance 

3.7 To Foster Enlightened Understanding of Power as a Responsibility - be it Personal Power or Positional Power, and whether in Private, Political or Public Sector - and to have Inclusion and Respect of Women’s Leadership Traits that help us Be Better Humans and ‘Human Better’: empowering Co-Creation, Consensus and Creativity, toward Catalysing Change

3.8 To Help Women and Men in all their rich diversity toward developing Inner Strength, Grit and Resilience to deal with Challenging Situations and Overcoming the Odds, by learning to Handle Stress, Grief, Trauma, Relationship Challenges, through Coaching and Personal Pursuits that help Heal, support Mental Health, enable Work-Life Harmony, and sharpen Bigger Picture Focus

3.9 To Stand Up in Personal Commitment to Mitigating Barriers, Modifying Behaviours and Upholding Boundaries in Self and Societies toward Ensuring Environments, Relationships and Communication that are Free from Prejudice, Toxicity, Sexism, Racism, Negativity, Dogma and Discrimination, and enable Positive and Non-Violent Communication, with Healthy Expression of Feelings, Thoughts, and Boundaries

3.10 To Develop Personal Path and Practice of Self & Soul Care for Inner Growth, with Self-Accountability, Self-Audit, Self-Reflection, Self-Correction, Coaching, Creativity, Courage, Calm, Compassion, Kindness, Silence, Introspection, Tranquility, Conscientiousness, Sense of Meaning, Humility, Happiness and Sensemaking: ever seeking new skills, knowledge, wisdoms, for nurturing ability and humility to listen, learn, understand and engage, toward empowering intelligence, intuition and innovation


Empowerment grows by strengthening oneself as well as support systems across the connected spheres of State and Society. By enabling ecosystems that provide people with more engaged ways and means to make choices and changes for the better, we empower the innate power in one and all. Everything within us and around us has the power to make us feel more empowered or less, depending on how it enables us to be, think, feel, act, do, decide, connect, communicate and create. With intentional inclusion and proactive outreach, in a spirit of equity and equality, we can help everyone feel more empowered. Empowering environments are caring, respectful, and nurturing environments that make us feel safe, secure, valued, supported and self-reliant with access to knowledge, networks, connectivity, mobility and channels, along with rights, redressals and resources for greater power of negotiations, access to solutions, exercise of choice, and self-determination, especially by bodily and decisional autonomy for women in all their rich diversity.

4.1 To Nurture Self-Empowerment and Inner Empowerment with Self-Worth and Self-Esteem, Safety and Rights, Health and Happiness, Knowledge and Skills: owning our dreams, pursuing our aspirations, growing our confidence, building our capacities, protecting our wellbeing, and overcoming fears

4.2 To Ensure Health Empowerment with Universal Health Coverage especially for those Below Poverty Line and including Awareness, Prevention and Treatment for Primary Healthcare, Mental Health, Reproductive Health and Palliative Care, as also drive to this sector Greater Corporate Contributions in Corporate Social Responsibility, along with enhanced Capacity Building and Training Infrastructure for Health Workforce and Service Providers 

4.3 To Foster Peace Empowerment through Liberal Values, Enlightened Leadership, Equality of Genders, Freedom of Expression, Freedom from Violence, Freedom from Threats and Assaults to Safety and Sovereignty, Freedom from Intolerance and Bigotry, Freedom from Fear, Celebration of Diversities of Culture, Faith and Heritage, Inclusion of Women in Peacebuilding and Diplomacy, as well as promoting Care & Concern in Community with Work-Life Harmony, Non-Toxic Work Cultures, Positive Interpersonal Etiquette including in Social Media, toward lowering Stress Levels in Societies, nurturing Non-Violent Relationships and building Trust 

4.4 To Ensure Financial and Economic Empowerment and Self-Reliance with Financial Inclusion and Independence of Women with Incentives such as Collateral Free Loans, Credit Lines, Single Window Clearances, Simplifying Compliances and Paperwork, Innovative Financing, Mandated Percentage of a Bank’s Funding for Women and Accountability Mechanisms such as Financial Penalties for Non-Compliance and Non-Implementation, as also addressing Gender Pay Gaps, as well as Priority and Preferences for Women in Public Procurement and Integration in Supply Chains by Big Market Players and through other Social and Economic Actors 

4.5 To Enable Digital Empowerment with Inclusion, Accessibility, Mobility, Connectivity and Interoperability, with Publicly Available Network Facilities, Telecom and Communication Services, and Digitalisation especially of Public Services for Ease and Transparency 

4.6 To Energise Entrepreneurial and Leadership Empowerment with Governments Leading the Way with Creating Funds for Women’s Entrepreneurship, in Equal Opportunity and Ease of Doing Business, along with Private Sector Impetus for Gender Lens and Impact Investing, boosting the Number of Startups founded and led by Women as well as nurturing Ecosystems in Convergence for Founders, Advisors and Funders to come together to Incubate and Accelerate Business ideas and Ventures by Women, along with access to Networking, Training and Advisory Assistance

4.7 To Promote Communication and Co-Creation Empowerment with Civil Society and Citizen Engagement Platforms through Empowering Tools and Technologies, especially for connecting with Governments, Intergovernmental Organisations, Multilateral Fora, Business Chambers, Universities, Professional Networks 

4.8 To Build Political Empowerment for Women’s Ability to Negotiate with Power with Rights and Representation through Constitutional and Legislative Means, Electoral Lists, Gender Balance Policies and Measures

4.9 To Foster Development Empowerment through promoting Philanthropy for Poverty Eradication especially for Health, Nutrition and Education, as well as through Gender Mainstreaming with Gender Budgeting and Gender Perspectives in Government Policies and Programmes, along with enhanced provisions of Development and Blended Finance for Sustainable Development 

4.10 To Create Change Empowerment through Awareness and Social Media Campaigns, such as for Voluntary Pledges in the Service of Inclusive Goals, and by Strong Partnerships among Government, NGOs, Society, Corporates, Businesses, Schools, Universities, Communities, Leaders, Individuals, Families, She for She & He for She Champions across genders and generations 


Governance with purpose and people-centric priorities, with transparent processes and practises, distributes power in enlightened, equal and equitable ways, with the intention to enable the best in all, without dogma, discrimination or denial of opportunities. To catalyse change and transformation with a spirit of renewal and reform, we need more than ever to make room for everyone, multiplying the tables and seats of decision-making and positions of power, especially in the public sector given its great influence in setting new standards and role modelling change. 

5.1 To Pursue Self-Governance, Self-Accountability, Self-Control and Self-Discipline with Personal Ethics and Righteous Action, and Promote Voluntary Commitments and Targets 

5.2 To Ensure Policies and Legislation for Women’s Equal and Equitable Representation in Governance and Decision-Making, with Gender Mainstreaming in Governments, Gender-Inclusive Public Governance, Gender-Sensitive Governance Reforms, Gender Balance in Public Listed Boards and Public Administration 

5.3 To Expand Training, Upskilling, Mentoring and Male Allyship to Support Women’s Greater Presence in Governance, Boards and Positions of Power 

5.4 To Promote Knowledge Sharing and Best Practices of Policies, Procedures, Tools and Tips as Guides for People and Organisations for Inclusive Governance with Equity, Equality, Diversity, and Affirmative Actions to Bridge the Gaps, with Women Development as a Core Strategy, as also build Awareness Resources and Redressals to understand and unmask Harassment in all places, be it Fiscal, Racial, Sexual or Psychological 

5.5 To Build Frameworks of Certifications, Ratings and Indices for Good Governance and Gender Equality, in Public, Political and Private Spheres, including for Press and Media, for Integrity, Accountability and Transparency

5.6 To Advocate for Open Government and Parliamentary Processes inviting and encouraging Citizens Engagement and Stakeholders Participation: such as enabling e-government platforms, using technology as a resilient source for delivering transparency and improving accountability systems in the long-term, as also drive data driven decisions holding intention to account 

5.7 To Energise Advocacy and Actions Nationally and Globally for Equitable Governance highlighting Peace, Security, Equality, Unity, Economic Empowerment, and Combating Violence, Abuse and Corruption 

5.8 To Encourage Healthy Balance of Centralised and Decentralised Decision-Making Structurally, which Drives Greater Inclusion of All Members of Communities, Families and Organisations, with Women as Equal and Equally Respected partners in Dialogue, Discussion, Decision-Making and Development, strengthening Democratic Foundations for Sustainable Governance and Transformative Change in Hearts and Mindsets 

5.9 To Create Awareness on Family Governance as an Important Lever of Empowerment and Equality as well as Transforming Traditions and Taboos with Progressive Change in Mindsets and Behaviours: in solidarity with He for She Champions and She-for-She support, changing the conversations and power dynamics in households and families to ensure everyone’s voice and wellbeing counts, especially of women, toward overcoming abusive conditions and toxic behaviour in all relationships 

5.10 To Urge Upon Global Governance Reforms especially at the United Nations (UN) and Intergovernmental fora: reflecting new realities, making way for peaceful transition towards a global civilisation of nations based on equal engagement, inclusion, respect, cross gender collaboration, and responsible co-existence, toward balancing the powers of vision, vigour, voice and vote 


Ownership confers rightful access and legal privilege of autonomy, authority and enforcement to individuals, organisations, state or society within a framework of policies, standards and regulations. A sense of ownership through a variety of means, mechanisms and mindsets enables us all to live our lives with greater responsibility and resources. Women have much less ownership and agency over their beings and bodies as also titles over land, assets, properties and productive resources, which further prevents women from leading their lives with freedom, fearlessness, assertion and choices. Enhancing ownership of our lives, in mind and materiality, is vital for women to thrive. 

6.1 To Ensure Self-Determination of our Lives with Rights, Liberty and Freedom, Bodily Autonomy with Reproductive Rights and Justice and Decisional Autonomy 

6.2 To Take Ownership of our Duties and Responsibilities towards the Wellbeing and Welfare of Society and Environment: especially the underserved, disadvantaged and marginalised groups who lack further access to voice, resources and ownership

6.3 To Advocate for Laws and Incentives for Gender Equal Ownership of Land and Title, Inheritance, Assets, Property, Housing, Agriculture, Firms and Farms 

6.4 To Ensure Women’s Equal and Empowered Participation in Trade and Commerce, through Policies and Incentives for Women’s Acquisition and Ownership of Properties, Intellectual Property, Businesses, Bank Accounts, Finance, Enterprises, Technologies, Patents, along with Ownership of Private Data

6.5 To Foster Civic and Community Ownership through Awareness and Platforms driving Decentralised and Distributed Decision-Making in Governments, Companies, Institutions, Cities and Neighbourhoods, with Empowerment at All Levels

6.6 To Strengthen Personal Responsibility, Political Accountability and Public Ownership of Common Assets of Society for Meeting Basic Needs of All, including Infrastructure, Energy, Transport, Mobility, Data, Basic Health, Education and Welfare

6.7 To Promote Public Services, Corporate Responsibility and Social Ownership for Support and Welfare of the Vulnerable, including Single Mothers, Widowed, Divorced, Senior Citizens, Special Needs, Homeless, Unemployed, Low Wage Workers, Abuse Survivors, Prisoners among others 

6.8 To Build Ownership of Narrative in the Female Voice and Perspectives through Surveys, Statistics, Studies and Storytelling in Partnership with Think Tanks, Schools, Universities, Neighbourhoods, Workplaces, and with Creative Communities and Strategies 

6.9 To Foster Sense of Trusteeship to Enlighten the Meaning of Ownership as an Onus to Improve, and not Abuse Rights and Privileges, especially with regards to Responsible Use of Environment, Energy, Land, Natural Resources, and Responsible Public Leadership and Law Enforcement 

6.10 To Reclaim Ownership of our Cultural Heritage, Consciousness and Indigenousness such as in Languages, Literature, Epics, Arts and Crafts, Food, Stories, Spirituality, Histories, Archetypes, Natural Healing, Wholesome Connection to Earth and Relationships, healing the dark heritage of Gender, Ethnic, Racial, Religious and Colonial Violence 


Security offers a framework to mitigate threats, attacks, assaults, violence, war, crime, terror and risks that raise insecurity, distress, fear, stress and humanitarian crises in society with destabilising consequences. The concept of security and defense needs to be broadened to include not just war and crime, armed conflict and military defense, but also include more expanded sense of securitisation of society at various points that pose new risks and threats, such as due to inequalities and inequitable access to resources, climate change, food and water insecurity, period and toilet insecurity, loneliness and mental health, household violence, recession and economic crises, cybercrime and sexual violence, all of which have disastrous effects on humanitarian and planetary security and wellbeing, and especially affect the lives of women, children, vulnerable and civilians. To manage, mediate and mitigate both the old and emerging risks, it is critical to ensure women's full and equal participation in conflict resolution, peacebuilding, peacekeeping, and humanitarian response especially for refugees and migrants, while also framing principles and practices for lasting peace across countries and contexts, for sustainable security.

7.1 To Campaign for Global Solidarity on Nuclear Non-Proliferation, Abolition of Nuclear Weapons, Disarmament, along with Controlled Access to Personal Weapons Use 

7.2 To Strengthen National Action Plans and International Frameworks for Implementation of Peace Protocols, Security Treaties, Multilateral Transparency Instruments for Armaments, as well as for Women’s Robust Participation and Leadership in Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding, as in the Women, Peace, and Security Resolution 1325 of the UN Security Council

7.3 To Protect Women, All Children and Minors from all forms of Violence including Pedophilia, Incest, Pornography, Female Foeticide and Infanticide, Genital Cutting/Mutilation, Rape, Kidnapping, ‘Honor’ Killing, Sexual Violence, Exploitation and Sextortion, as also Prevent Human Rights Violations, Abuse and Torture in Armed Conflict, Custodial Detention and Prisons, especially for those with Special Needs and Mental Health Conditions 

7.4 To Ensure Health Security and Insurance Cover for All especially for those Below Poverty Line, covering Mental Health, Maternal Malnutrition, Morbidity and Mortality during Pregnancy and Childbirth, as also Food and Nutrition Security for Children, Adolescents, Mothers, Pregnant & Breastfeeding People, Women in all their rich diversity, along with Access to Resources for Contraception and Family Planning, and Palliative Care for Elders as also Support for Special Needs

7.5 To Ensure Safer Cities and Overall Environment of Law and Order for Women and Girls, with Safer Roads, Safer Workplaces, Safer Homes, Safer Public Spaces and Transport, with Investment in Critical Infrastructure and Innovative Urban Designs that are Responsive to Users Needs

7.6 To Ensure Food Security, in addition to Education and Health, as also Security of Access and Affordability of Essential Services and Infrastructure including Clothing, Housing, Mobility, Connectivity, Telecommunication and Internet with Securitisation of Data, Cloud and Network Security Systems, Training for Personal Cybersecurity, Data Privacy, Endpoint Security for Devices such as Mobiles and Computers 

7.7 To Ensure Mobility Security for Women and Girls, addressing Toilet Security and Period Security, also Safer Public Spaces and Transport, as also ensure Mobility and Accessibility for Elderly and Special Needs

7.8 To Uphold Security and Freedom of Expression and Practice of Faith and Religion, with Tolerance, Unity and Pluralism 

7.9 To Provide Security of Food, Livelihood, Income, Benefits or Pension, especially for Women, Single Mothers, Divorced, Senior Citizens, Special Needs, Abuse Survivors, Small Farmers, and other vulnerable sections of society 

7.10 To Mitigate Risks related to Climate Change with Actions for Averting and Addressing Natural Disasters, Energy-Food-Water Insecurity, Pressure on Natural Resources, Forced Displacement and Migration, Securitisation to Protect Farming Communities, Climate Refugees, Women, Children and Vulnerable from Economic and Health Risks of Climate Change and Pollution, and protecting Agricultural Yield and Production 


Sustainability understands the powers of sustenance of Earth and Nature, mindfully upholding its natural order and systems with balance and boundaries, nurturing and safeguarding its beauty, balance and bounty during the developmental processes of creation and change. Environmental ethics and practices are integral toward harmonising nature, society and economy with sustainable standards and solutions that integrate the interests of the planet as a whole, with enlightened perspective of our mortality and meaning of life. Sustainability entails considering the wellbeing of the world in the spirit of One Earth, One Family, One Future, as the G20 theme of India Presidency 2023. 

8.1 To Ensure Policies Promoting Climate Actions in Net Zero Mindset for Greener Earth, Cleaner Oceans, Seas and Rivers, with Greener Built Environments and Lifestyles, Pervasive Plantations and Reforestation, Water Harvesting, Clean Air, Cycles Use, and measures to combat Congestion, Air and Noise Pollution, Desertification, Contamination of Soil, Water, Air and Wetlands

8.2 To Place Financial Penalties for Pollution and Pollutants, Tax on Carbon & Emissions, Transparency on Carbon Emissions, Incentives for Tree Plantations, along with Application of ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) Regulatory Frameworks especially in Mining and Metals 

8.3 To Promote Investment in Good Quality Public Transport and Infrastructure, with Eco Friendly and Smart Urban Practices such as use of Cycles, Electric Vehicles, No Transport Zones, Pedestrian Safety and Mobility, along with Involvement of People and Public Users in Transportation Planning, with Green Buildings and Architecture, while Supporting the Freedom of Mobility of Disadvantaged Groups, Development of SUMP-Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans for Cities 

8.4 To Integrate Educational and Experiential Modules in Schools and Colleges on Circle of Life, Circular Economy, Reduce-Reuse-Recycle Practices, Safe & Healthy Foods, Biodiversity and Animal Rights, along with Programs such as Nature Walks and Tree Plantations 

8.5 To Drive Affordability and Accessibility of Renewable & Alternative Energy, especially for Energy-Efficient Infrastructure, Manufacturing and Industry and Agriculture, Waste Management, among others 

8.6 To Promote Investment in R&D by State-Industry-Academia-Public Sector in Alternative Development Strategies, Innovative Technologies, Alternative Energy Harvesting Systems, Renewable Energy Projects, as also Assistive Technologies for Elderly and Special Needs 

8.7 To Build Climate Action Plans for Cities, Urban Policies Promoting Best Practice Concepts such as 15-minute city, Superblocks and Inclusion of Vulnerable and Disadvantaged Groups into Sustainability Plans

8.8 To Reduce Carbon Footprint in Global Supply Chains, Logistics and Delivery, with Innovation and Business Ecosystems for Biodegradable Packaging and Products, especially in E-Commerce and E-Waste 

8.9 To Promote Smart Technologies for Sustainable Solutions that Promote Resilient Food Systems with Circular Economy, Zero-Waste, Biodiversity and Ecosystems, by Responsible and Efficient Use of Energy, Land, Fuel, Fertilizers, Water and Resources in Farming and Agriculture, Enable Farmers Transition to Regenerative Practices and Organic Farming, Reduction in Food Wastage across the Global Supply Chains as also Waste in the Environment

8.10 To Advocate for Public Financing of Projects for Social Sustainability, Building Resilient Rural and Urban Communities with Ethical and Fair Trade and Commerce, Market Integration, Promoting Equal Opportunity


Solidarity confers the strength and support of social capital to drive the change in unity of purpose. To activate and accelerate change with solid foundation and sustained momentum, all stakeholders in society need to step up and step forward in support, individually and collectively, bearing greater responsibility toward addressing the various issues in society, leveraging respective skills and strengths. In solidarity, every dream is possible, every challenge surmountable, and every target achievable. Solidarity especially through groups and alliances united in purpose with shared passion and commitment can drive change with greater energy and resilience. An Indian proverb says, 1 and 1 makes an 11. That’s the multiplier effect of solidarity. Together we are better, bolder, stronger, wiser, and can co-evolve win-win possibilities for all. 

9.1 To Engage Solidarity of He for She Champions for Environments of Safety, Equality, Inclusion and Integration, in all places, enabling Retention and Leadership of Women at Work, as also promoting Power of Women’s Voice with She-for-She Sisterhood, furthering She-for-He Friendship and All-for-All Support: creating supportive relationships and resources for women to negotiate and navigate complexities, challenges, barriers and biases in diverse dimensions of life 

9.2 To Promote Solidarity in Society with Neighbourhood Groups and Projects, along with Local Schools and NGOs, to Eradicate Gender Based Abuse, Domestic Violence, Substance Abuse, Suicide Prevention, among others 

9.3 To Build Global Solidarity of Humanity for Stress Free Societies and Cultures of Non-Violence through Thoughts, Words and Deeds offering Help, Kindness, Respect and Service, furthering Connection, Kinship and Community, and combating Alienation, Loneliness and Lack of Belonging, and offer Free Resources and Progressive Programs for the same 

9.4 To Empower Solidarity of Support to Specialised Institutions for Rehabilitation and Reintegration of those suffering from Trauma, Mental Health, Addictions, Substance Abuse, Special Needs, Elder Care, as also former and serving Prisoners, Detainees and Undertrials, especially women, children and vulnerable 

9.5 To Strengthen Solidarity of Men and Women in all their rich diversity, with the world of Media, Entertainment, News, Information, Advertising and Gaming, to combat Macho Mindsets, Toxic Masculinity, Sexualisation and Objectification of Women, Stigmatisation of LGBTQ, through heightening Awareness and Role Models Effect for Positive Masculinity and Diversities

9.6 To Empower Solidarity for Climate Action, Zero Waste Societies, Race to Zero, and Protection of Ecology and Biodiversity especially through Youth Participation and Leadership 

9.7 To Build Solidarity of Media, Influencers, Thought Leaders and Role Models with Schools, Universities and Young People especially in Rural and Underserved Region for Mentoring, Guidance, Direction and Inspiration

9.8 To Promote Resource Mobilisation, Philanthropy, Public Provisions and Social Service in Solidarity for Zero Hunger and Zero Poverty, as also Serving Needs and Aspirations, through measures such as Free Community Kitchens, Mid Day Meals as also Toys, Books, Art Supplies for Children, Outreach to the Underserved and Homeless with Clothing and Utilities, Assistive Technologies for Elderly and Special Needs, Free Medical Support and Diagnostics for Disadvantaged Groups 

9.9 To Strengthen Solidarity with Soldiers and Defense Personnel, especially for Wellbeing of their Families 

9.10 To Advocate for Solidarity for Inclusive Development, Innovation and Creativity, with Gender Diversity across Ethnicity, Ability, Age, Geography and Class. and Intentional Inclusion of all Sections of Society, including of Refugees, Minorities and Migrants 


Equality is the equal treatment, conferment and enjoyment of rights, privileges, liberty, legality, protection and opportunities to one and all, without discrimination on the basis of gender, color, creed, class, caste, culture, faith, race, religion, spiritual traditions, status, age, ability, sexuality or any other bias that impinges on the principles of natural justice, fundamental human rights, equity, fairness and freedom of all actors, entities and elements of Society and Nature. By offering our equal respect and acceptance of another, in solidarity of our equal humanity, we can blossom as a global society in health, happiness and harmony. Together we can bring together all our diversities in harmony and experience the greater joy and vibrancy that comes with it. Literally and figuratively, when we embrace all the colors of the world, we will find greater color and creativity within ourselves as well. The ethic of equality and the spirit of oneness make us a more wholesome, connected and enlightened humanity: a sustainable solidarity. 

10.1 To Ensure Gender Equality through Joint Custody of our World with Women, Men and All in Authentic Harmony with Positive Role Models and Positive Masculinity for Changing Hearts and Mindsets 

10.2 To Promote Social, Racial and Religious Equality, as also Equality by Gender, Age, Ability, Sexuality, Marriage 

10.3 To Ensure Equality of Security and Justice for Women, Special Needs, Vulnerable and Marginalised especially in Access to Resources, Assets and Money, Risk Mitigation, Protection, Social Security and Special Support 

10.4 To Build Equality of Opportunity in Employment in all Positions in Public and Private Sectors, NGOs, Government, Defence Forces 

10.5 To Enshrine Equal Pay for Equal Work, Equal Opportunities for Promotions, be it Public or Private Sector 

10.6 To Enable Equal Inclusion of those left behind especially Women, Special Needs, Transgenders, by Affirmative Action, Skilling and Support, Equity and Flexibility

10.7 To Promote Banking and Funding of Entrepreneurial Projects with Gender-Inclusive Lens and Impact Investing for Equalising Emphasis on Profits, People, Planet and Purpose 

10.8 To Encourage Equal Responsibilty of All for Safeguarding Society, and Promote Awareness and Training for Addressing Radicalisation, Extremism, Trafficking, Sexual Exploitation, Addictions and Abuse 

10.9 To Build Equitable Pathways for All Sections of Society for Equal Access to Education, Healthcare, Employment, Networks, Enterpreneurship, Politics, Goverment, Law, Defense, Judiciary 

10.10 To Ensure Economic Equality through Income Security for those Below Poverty Line, as well as for Women through Gender Equal Commissions of Projects and Contracts and in Procurement and Supply Chains of Public and Private Sector