Act on the Gap: Noura guides the way 

G100 -Egypt Meetings, Sharm El Sheikh, 14-16 November 2022 during COP 27 


It was great to see a day dedicated to the Gender Thematic Day on 14 Nov in the COP27, as part of the climate summit events hosted by Egypt in Sharm El-Sheikh. We presented our thoughts in a panel on “Private Sector Nexus: Women & Climate Change,” organised as a side event in the Green zone by the The National Council for Women on this day reflecting the commitment of the Egyptian Presidency to #ActontheGap as the event hashtag says. 

The session summarised with the need for putting women in the center of planning, capacity building, decision-making and responses in all walks of life, as also holding private sector accountable for gender equality policies, ensuring inclusive outcomes, equitable leadership and sustainable solutions to the climate crises. 

The Gender Day concluded with a dinner with women ministers from Egypt and Africa and eminent excellencies, including: 

Dr. Yasmin Fouad, Minister of Environment 

Dr. Maya Morsy, President, The National Council of Women

Dr. Hala H. Elsaid, Minister of Planning and Economic Development 

H.E. Sima Sami Bahous, Executive Director, UN Women 

The greatest delight of the next day was a visit to the exhibition of products by women, and meeting “Noura.”

Noura is an animated character of a 12 year old young girl who interacts with visitors and responds to their queries through the screen. The electronic screen through which Noura speaks and interacts is equipped with a camera and sound devices. Handled by a technical team and through the technology of 3D Molding, visitors can interact with and talk to Noura as if one is speaking to a real person. 

Noura’s inspiring and enlightened answers have a “presence of mind.” We were mesmerised by her intelligent, confident and calm conversations, holding her own throughout all kinds of questions from a global audience. 

The President of the National Council of Women, Dr. Maya Morsy highlighted the importance of this national initiative supported the First Lady of Egypt, emphasising the role of young women in shaping the future. While being a role model for Egyptian girls, Noura has a mass global appeal as well. She enlightened all through messages, songs and live dialogue on the impact of climate change on people, urging us to correct our wrong attitudes towards Nature, Environment, and advocating for girls to be involved in decision-making issues. 

Convenor & Navigator: We are most grateful to our inspiring Soul Sister Dr. Maya Morsy, G100 Global Chair for Economic Empowerment for her tireless efforts to build a better world for all. 


G100 Secretariat Global Team

1. Dr. Harbeen Arora – Founder & President, G100 Club 

2. Vinay Rai – Founder & President, G100 Denim Club

G100 Global Chairs

1. Dr. Maya Morsy, G100 Global Chair, Economic Empowerment 

