Dr. Alexandre Najjar

Dr. Alexandre Najjar, Francophone Writer & Novelist, Winner of the Prix de la Fondation Hachette, Lawyer, Lebanon.

Dr. Alexandre Najjar was born in Beirut (Lebanon) in 1967. He is an Attorney at law and a writer. He is a member of the National Commission for Lebanese Women (NCLW) ; he was the representative of Lebanon in the Legal Committee of UNESCO organization and an advisor to the Lebanese Ministry of Culture (1999-2009).

He is the author of over thirty books (novels, memoirs, biographies…) that have been translated into more than twelve languages, including Les Exilés du Caucase (Grasset), Le Roman de Beyrouth (Plon), Le Dictionnaire amoureux du Liban (Plon), L’École de la Guerre / The School of War(Telegram), Le Censeur de Baudelaire (Balland), Phénicia (Plon), Gibran (Pygmalion), Les Anges de Millesgarden (Gallimard) and Berlin 36 (Plon).

He is the recipient of the first Bourse de l’écrivain award from the Lagardère Foundation, the 2009 Prix Méditerranée and the Grand Prix de la Francophonie awarded by the Académie Française.

He has been the editor of the Francophone Lebanese literary supplement L’Orient littéraire. He has obtained the medals of Officer in the Order of Arts et Lettres (France), Commandeur of the Royal Order of Merit(Spain), and Officer in the Order of Cedar (Lebanon).